I've just had so much on my mind that I've wanted to tell you! Rather than put it all into one super long post, I separated it. Anyway, this last one is just for all the other little things that have been going on.
1 - Alonso is out of the hospital and healing from his surgery! I've been able to push him in a wheelchair around school, which is neat. He's still cute and he's still saying nice things to me, so that's a pretty good sign:)
2 - Alonso and I were partners at the State TSA Competition last Friday, and, for the second year in a row, we took first! The state and school district are sending us to TSA Nationals (for free) again! This year it's at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee. Yes I am stoked. A few kids from Lehi Jr. High are coming with us! Can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The following picture would be from the inside (yes, the inside) of the hotel!
3 - As mentioned in the previous post, I'm a county delegate! I attended my caucus meeting, my Dad nominated me, I gave a speech, and I was voted in! So cool! I had my first training yesterday where I got to meet most of the candidates. I was given three books! YAY! I love this.
4 - My lesson in YWs today was on the use of media. I've made a few goals that I'd like to share with you! I want to use my blog to share the Gospel more (see post below about YWs conference). I'm going to spend less time on social networking sites (facebook). I'm going to delete any Pinterest board that makes me feel dissatisfied with myself (only keep DIY or quote boards).
Well...those are probably my biggest announcements right now. I've had a great week and I felt like sharing all of those lovely things with you. I hope that your week has been just as stellar!
If not, then change something!