April 1, 2012

This is written by a guest writer - my bestest friend Alonso:)

Every teenager worries about looking good. Some are better at it than others. Those who are lucky, have parents who supply them with very good genes or pockets full of cash. These few find that getting the right look comes much easier than it does to all others.

Looks are a big part of today's teenage society. Those who wear the right amount of make-up, have good enough skin, choose the right clothes, and keep their hair clean and “unique” fit in this social trend which matters more and more each day. This rising amount of people trying to look good is making it easier for those of us who want our trend to be spread from sea to shiny, gellin’ sea. Too many of us teenagers allow others to live outside of this social circle. There are those out there who do not fit in with us, and that is unacceptable.

If everyone just fit in to this social trend, then places like school and dances, where we gather for the purpose of socializing, would be a lot more comfortable for us. There is great peace in knowing that everywhere you turn there will be attractive young people who think just like you do. Because of this incredible truth, I propose that we begin the hazing of all those who do not care enough about their appearance. We need to force others to conform into our logical ideology - looks are more important than absolutely anything and everything.

To accomplish this goal, a great amount of effort will need to be put into this work. Exclusion shall be our first strike. To make life a more fashionable and lovely place, we must to shun out all the others. If any of them try at all to make contact with you, give them a smirk look and walk away! Act as if their existence is meaningless unless they conform to our trends!

For girls, we can't go wrong with rumors and jokes made directly towards the female anarchists. The natural oversensitive emotions found in teenage girls are key to obtaining our goal! Do not falter in making them feel so low that they will have no choice but to finally go buy the expensive perfume, clothes, and makeup to join us.
To all our guys out there, you must harass the other guys who have not chosen to join our stigmas. Bully them physically by shoving them around in the halls, taking their food, and breaking their thick glasses! Let it be known to them that this is how life will be unless they choose to finally stop wasting their time on homework, and focus more on getting girls, and being pretty and “babe-a-licious.”

Our generation may not accomplish many things. We may not get very far. But as long as we look good, it's ok. Understand that appearances will soon be the only thing that matters on this earth. It is our duty to quicken this process in any way we can. By our continuous efforts, we can turn our young society into the most glamorous, and unprepared generation this world has ever seen.

Hopefully by now you've figured out that it's supposed to be a satire...and hopefully it made you think! Let's all be nice, kay?:)

Love you all.

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