March 5, 2012

Well here's try number three:)

I learned something this past month: the way I write about and explain my life affects the way I perceive it. Easy enough, right? For example, to be very blunt, this past month was bad. I've relapsed into depression (seven years in a row, but who's counting?) and I had an anxiety attack last week. I wrote two miserable and horribly depressing blog posts, but I never published them.

I am SO glad.

Whenever I write about how bad life is, life gets worse.

Life is all about perception. Forces act on us, and circumstances can often be unpredictable. Different situations can alter us physiologically, thus creating emotions - heavy breathing, pins and needles, or a depressed mood. Yet we still have agency in the way we respond to the biological response of emotion. We can control our thoughts and actions. 2 Nephi 2 talks about this. We have the agency to ACT, regardless of all the "acting upon" that happens to us. This makes me super grateful for the fall of Adam and Eve. Because of Adam, I might have joy, contingent on my obedience and decision to pursue righteous happiness.

Other things I'm grateful for include:

Alonso Sebastian Lopez surprising me for Valentine's Day:) aaaand asking me to prom. That cutie:)

 I'm grateful for all the friends I've made through debate! Can you believe I only have one tournament left??? The culmination of three years 5 days! Ahh!:)

My little sister Millie, who I love so dearly! (And she accepts my white skin/short hair-ness)

CALIFORNIA for being the number one best state in the world.

Brigham Young University for having super cheap tuition and for accepting me:D by the way, I'm touring the campus tomorrow!!! <3 :)

Mmmmmkay. That's enough for today.

LOVE YOU ALL. (Individually and unconditionally, fyi.)

Smile today, okay? Talk about your life in a happy way and then try and tell me that it doesn't make a difference. (It just did for me!!)

1 comment:

  1. You should let me know what time your campus tour is tomorrow so I can maybe accidentally bump into you :)
